This is me.

this is me.
this is me.

What makes me smile.

Hi There! I'm a data-driven Product, UX & UI Designer with a CRO background. When I’m not at work, I’m always busy with creating “stuff”. If it’s a closet design, a painting or making a plant pot out of old blinds, you name it. I love it. I also suffer from an electronic music addiction, that I’m trying to mix. Some attempts are more successful than others, but for me it is meditation.

What I stand for.

What happens with bad design? Users blame themselves. That's why I feel the duty of creating designs with the purpose of making users feel good. Either feeling confident, appreciated, successful, or in control. That’s what they deserve.

I'm most proud of.

I believe that you can learn anything by just being curious. For that reason, I have chosen to build this portfolio website myself. Did this go the way I wanted? Certainly not. Did buying a website template come to my mind after a while? Certainly. But after a lot of tutorials and moments when I was happy to throw my laptop down from 2 high, I did! By replacing “I can't do this” with “I can't do this yet”, you will always keep on learning.

My biggest failure.

When I just started working at Knab, I wanted to change something on one of the customer registration pages of I wanted to put it online as fast as possible to get faster results, so I changed it directly in the live environment without IT testing it first. Not the best move, because I crashed the whole customer registration for 5 hours. Lesson learned. Be patient when you need to. One pro: I did make a lot of new friends at the IT desk after some late night office pizza's.

what do people say about me? 

Lennard Kager, UX Manager @ Knab

"It was a pleasure to work with Marjolein. She is intelligent, calm, organized and always involves others in finding UX minded solutions. She has a very solid and analytical design approach which always starts with research and getting customer insights. In the time that we collaborated Marjolein defined new pages, templates and components for Not only did she design them based on customer research and stakeholder requirements, she also took upon herself to write the technical requirements for our content management system Sitecore. She didn't shy away from understanding the system in detail to come up with a component based system aimed at reusability. I highly recommend Marjolein"

Jorian Heil, Digital Project Manager @ Rabobank

"Marjolein joined our DevOps team for a period of two months as a UX designer in order to develop the design of our smallholder farmer credit score solution. In this time Marjolein facilitated various workshops in order to define requirements and prioritize the work. After her research, Marjolein continued with developing the design in an agile fashion. It was comforting that every week a thorough update was shared, allowing the team to provide timely feedback. One can depend on Marjolein as she makes up to her promises and creates high quality outcomes. All in all, I do recommend Marjolein as a UX designer for similar engagements."